Monday, September 19, 2011


Moved to:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas was pretty low key this year as my sister’s family was sick (and as of this posting we still haven’t exchanged gifts because of the sickness passing back and forth between members of their family and ours). We opened gifts late morning, each taking turns opening a gift, I received two blouses and 2 pairs of slacks. All of which will come in handy this semester as I student teach. Also a few days later my parents gave me a pair of earrings that I asked for that I was not expecting at all, they are amazing (picture) they just came in the mail after Christmas but I didn’t mind. This Christmas was mainly about what was needed instead of wanted for my brother and I but I didn’t mind. I don’t have to use my own money to buy professional looking clothing so I am happy.

I am heavily updating my other blog and most any information on this one was covered in the Christmas Letters I sent out this year

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finals are over

Finals are over! (they were over last thursday but it took me this long to recover)

It was a really hard semester, which thinking back to the beginning of it I thought it was going to be easy...boy was I wrong.

It was 15 hrs of near H*ll because of two particular classes but I made an A in one and a B in the other, kind of frusterated about the B as it was my only one but overall glad about my GPA inching up (not that I have to worry too much, it is really good right now)

Still haven't heard back from the Graduate office if I was accepted or not and it is starting to make me frusterated. I am a planning...I want to KNOW.

Also I am starting to stress about student teaching next semester, that should be interesting. I am going to teach high schoolers for a semester...without any prior experience, hoping my teacher in the class is a good mentor.

So no new pictures, Christmas cards are going to be mailed today (cross your fingers? hopefully).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Dead Week"

This week has been crazy, its "dead week" at school. My school doesn't recognize that though so I have had a lot of work to do. I can't believe finals are next week. They are coming up way to quick, and I have way too much studying to do.

Less then a week and a half and this semester will be over with Yea!! It has been a very hard semester and still has the potential to get harder but I am hoping it will not.

I still am waiting to hear back if I got accepted into the Graduate program, this is a little nerve racking, I want to know! so I can start preparing financially for it by applying for scholarships and saving. But I should know by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

This is a really short post but I have to get back to studying.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Update November

So this is a short post. Updates are going to be in the mail with Christmas cards which I will email next week (or as soon as the pictures I ordered get here). I figured some new pictures were in order for a good update. I also have a current dislike relationship with the camera so there is only one of me, but enjoy the ones of Sam. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

West Texas

This is what West Texas looks like in October. No it doesn't get any better then this and yes I am heavily biased against West Texas. Figured I'd get that out of the way for now.

We were driving back from a town that was about 90 minutes away from where we live.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update on Sam and this blog

Okay, the semester is slowing down...*crossing my fingers that I am not jixning myself*.

I am passing all my classes with a minimum of a B which is thrilling for me. I know I haven't updated this blog as much but I will try and do better, mostly I use this one to update family about Sam and I and use my other blog to update on anything fun. I know complicated. I will post the link to my other blog so you can see more of what I have been up to stuff I like.

I think I have decided to make this update blog password protected so I will email those that I know that read this blog the password and keep my other blog open to the public as it won't have much personal info (like how Sam is doing and talking about where I live). I realized that anyone could read this one and I am not really okay with just anyone in the world knowing where I live and where I go on a daily basis.

Anyone else who reads can just go over to:

And for an update

Sam is enjoying the first few days of his new job. I am just glad he has a job because he was driving me insane!